Cultural Events
We promote Vietnamese culture and empower cultural connections for diversity and inclusion.
Yêu Thương Ở Lại Acoustic Live Show 2024


Christmas celebration for Vietnamese Kids and Families
Câu lạc bộ tháng 12 với chủ đề Giáng Sinh và nhiều hoạt động thú vị:


Full Moon Festival for Vietnamese Kids and Families

International Children's Day for Vietnamese Kids and Families

Feel Good Acoustic Live Show
Feel Good is like that, a live acoustic music show that creates a warm mood on a winter night in Helsinki. Highlight of the show is our lead singer from the Voice of Finland.
Ngày hội sách là sự kiện thường niên do BiziVietnam – Tổ chức ngôn ngữ và văn hoá Việt Nam tại Phần Lan tổ chức.

Summer Club for Kids
- Thời gian: 13h-15h Thứ Bảy, ngày 04/06/2022
- Địa điểm: Công viên Töölönlahti (tập trung trước thư viện Oodi)
- Hoạt động: trò chơi và nhảy dân vũ

Trinh Cong Son
April 2022
“Đường xa áo bay” – a live music show in memory of the late musician Trinh Cong Son was held on Saturday, April 02 2022 at Kanneltalo, Klaneettitie 5, 00420 Helsinki.
The American folk singer Joan Baez was prompted to “dub him the Bob Dylan of Vietnam” for his anti-war songs and singing songs of reconciliation. Many of his songs have a “reflective Zen Buddisht overtone”.
Son wrote more than 600 songs during his career. His music is still widely performed in Vietnam and in oversea Vietnamese communities.

Panel Discussion
March 2022
A live panel discussion about “Nurturing love with the Vietnamese language for children born abroad” was organized on Sunday 6.3.2022.
There were 20 parents joining the event for discussion and sharing experience.

Vietnam Book Day 2021
October 2021
BiziVietnam in collaboration with VSAF (Vietnamese Student Association in Finland) and The Stations (A Vietnamese Book Shop in Finland) organise the event to promote sharing and connecting people with passion about books.
Giai điệu Sơn ca
January 2021
A Singing Contest for kids in Finland in collaboration with the Embassy of Vietnam in Finland and the Vietnamese Community Association in Finland.

Kid Talent Contest
January 2021
A Virtual Kid Talent Contest for Children in Finland, which attracted participation from many Vietnamese families and kids and sponsorship from companies and organizations in Helsinki, Finland.
October 2020
Khoa Trinh, Cinematographer, Rens Original and Luke Chavarro, Co-founder, FREYR Studio
Watch LIVE on Facebook here!