Annual Report 2022

In 2022, despite the challenges we faced due to the pandemic, we are proud of what we were able to achieve together as a community. We explored new opportunities for collaboration. We continued promoting Vietnamese language and culture in Finland, and working towards creating a stronger sense of community among our members.

Annual Report 2021

Our young association has initially created impacts via our activities and bring values to the communities we serve. We aim for integration, equality, internationality, diversity and inclusion. Our motto is “Empowering cultural connections”.

In alignment with the Helsinki city’s strategy to boost integration, we stand ready to contribute to promoting the city as the best city to live thanks to its better equilibrium with nature, sustainability and inclusion, internationality and equality, art and diversified cultures.

Annual Report 2020

2020 has been a year of unique challenges and changes all over the world. BiziVietnam was founded in 2020 amid COVID-19, which has affected every aspect of our life, from education to healthcare, from work to social practices. As a result, our strategy and implementation plan have been adjusted accordingly.

Despite the obstacles posed by the pandemic, this was a momentous year for BiziVietnam. We were able to deliver many new activities and programmes while surpassing our goals. The community has opportunities to access to the benefits of language and culture.

Annoucement of BiziVietnam Edunation Parnership 


On 11 November 2020, Hang Do, Chairwoman of BiziVietnam and Tuomas Kauppinen, CEO of Edunation signed the Partnership Agreement on Finnish education cooperation projects for Vietnamese market. Read more

Posted on 11 November 2020

In August 2020, BiziVietnam’s Official Launch Event was organized at Sello Library, Espoo, Finland. This was a remarkable milestone for our challenging, but fascinating journey. Read more

Posted on 18 September 2020

BiZiVietnam is an unique existing association that offers opportunities for people to explore and learn about Vietnamese language and culture, for companies and organizations to engage in doing business in Vietnam…Read more

Posted on 29 July 2020